Fitness Meals Menu

Meals available via delivery. Meals also available at THE GYM.

Nutritional Value of all meals:
Ladies – Protein: 20-25g, Carbs : 28-35g, Fats: 7-13g
Men – Protein: 30-35g, Carbs : 38-45g, Fats: 12-18g

Chicken Breast Strips - Ladies

Chicken Breast Strips Served With Mixed roasted Vegetables and Basmati Rice. * prepared in 1 tablespoon olive/cocnut oil with herbs and spices.


Steak Mince - Ladies

Steak Mince Served With Mixed Roasted Vegetables and Basmati Rice. * prepared in 1 tablespoon olive/cocnut oil with herbs and spices.


Medium Ostrich Steak - Ladies

Medium Ostrich Steak Served With Mixed Roasted Vegetables and Basmati Rice. * prepared in 1 tablespoon olive/cocnut oil with herbs and spices.


Hugo's Chicken Tagliatelle Special - Ladies

Hugo's Chicken Tagliatelle Special Served With Lite Baked Beans Sauce, Babymarrow and Onion, and Sweet Potato Wedges.


Hugo's Steak Mince Tagliatelle Special - Ladies

Hugo's Steak Mince Tagliatelle Special Served With Lite Baked Beans Sauce, Babymarrow and Onion, and Sweet Potato Wedges.


Stuffed Butternut - Ladies

Stuffed Butternut served with Steak Mince, Onions and Garlic, Feta, and Sweet Potato Wedges.


Tagliatelle - Ladies

Tagliatelle served with Shreaded Venison, and Stirfry Vegetables(Coleslaw, Marrow, Spinach, Onion, Cherry Tomato).


Vegetable Wrap - Ladies

Vegetable Wrap served with Chicken Strips, Avocado, Feta, Butternut, Onion and Cherry Tomato Salad.


Chicken Breast Strips - Men

Chicken Breast Strips Served With Mixed roasted Vegetables and Basmati Rice. * prepared in 1 tablespoon olive/cocnut oil with herbs and spices.


Steak Mince - Men

Steak Mince Served With Mixed Roasted Vegetables and Basmati Rice. * prepared in 1 tablespoon olive/cocnut oil with herbs and spices.


Medium Ostrich Steak - Men

Medium Ostrich Steak Served With Mixed Roasted Vegetables and Basmati Rice. * prepared in 1 tablespoon olive/cocnut oil with herbs and spices.


Hugo's Chicken Tagliatelle Special - Men

Hugo's Chicken Tagliatelle Special Served With Lite Baked Beans Sauce, Babymarrow and Onion, and Sweet Potato Wedges.


Hugo's Steak Mince Tagliatelle Special - Men

Hugo's Steak Mince Tagliatelle Special Served With Lite Baked Beans Sauce, Babymarrow and Onion, and Sweet Potato Wedges.


Stuffed Butternut - Men

Stuffed Butternut served with Steak Mince, Onions and Garlic, Feta, and Sweet Potato Wedges.


Tagliatelle - Men

Tagliatelle served with Shreaded Venison, and Stirfry Vegetables(Coleslaw, Marrow, Spinach, Onion, Cherry Tomato).


Vegetable Wrap - Men

Vegetable Wrap served with Chicken Strips, Avocado, Feta, Butternut, Onion and Cherry Tomato Salad.


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